• Parcel distribution all over Lebanon

    Reliable parcel distribution across every corner of Lebanon—delivering your packages on time, every time!

  • International Shipping All Over

    Global reach, seamless delivery—shipping your parcels internationally, wherever they need to go!

  • Warehousing

    Secure, efficient warehousing solutions—keeping your goods safe and ready for delivery, whenever you need them!

  • Fulfillment Pick And Pack

    "Efficient fulfillment, precise pick and pack—ensuring your orders are ready for delivery, fast and accurate every time!"

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How long does it take to deliver my order ?

Depending on the location
Beirut 24 hours
Greater beirut 48 days
North south 3 working days

How many times do i receive my cashback ?

Twice a week

Does our system support integration?


What is largest package you can deliver ?

Everything that fits in a car or by scooter

Do you offer same day delivery ?

Yes but different price

Do you offer labels ?

Yes every product has a waybill that sticks to it

How can i track my order ?

Through our system